The printing industry has particular producing and managing way, it's producing process has strict sequence and rule, what's more, it involved many departments. 印刷行业有着独特的生产经营管理方式,其生产过程有严格次序和规则且涉及的部门较多。
The cooperation of research and producing departments is good for solving the existing problems in the spreading of agriculture technology, as no pertinence, ineffectiveness and so on. 科工合作有利于解决当前农业技术推广针对性不强、效率不高、机制不畅等问题;
In order to reduce organizational operating costs and increase management efficiency, universities must ensure the information producing department with full functionality when setting positions or departments. 为降低组织运营成本,提高管理效率,高校在设置部门或职位的时候,必须确保信息生产部门具有生产信息的完整功能。